Scorched Earth (Roblox) Wiki
Scorched Earth (Roblox) Wiki

"Mauser C96 with select fire capabilities, which germans used and designated as M712."


The M712 or the M1932 is a variant of the C96 with select fire capabilities and a detachable box magazine, it was intended for export to countries like China, and South America. The first version of the variant would be built by Spanish gun makers Astra and Beistegui Hermanos with the intent to export to the Far East between 1927-1928. Mauser would start making the Schnellfeuer (rapid fire) a similar select fire gun, between 1932-1936 taking the detachable box magazine from the M30. Small numbers would be given to the Wehrmacht who would dub it the M712, the Yugoslavian army would also test the gun throughout its production. Approximately 98,000 guns would be made proving to be a great success even with its limited production time.

For more info see-

In Game Description[]

The gun is unreliable especially as a primary, it only really accels at close range but is still capable at mid range when put into semi mode. The gun has a very limited capacity of 10 originally though this can be improved with upgrades, but even with upgrades the fast firerate burns through ammo. Its accuracy is not great, with poor spread and high recoil when in full auto mode the gun is hard to control though this can be improved greatly when switched to semi mode. Initial cost is also not great coming in at $5000 for a relatively mediocre gun, most other smgs would prove better to purchase especially when starting out.

Weapon Stats
Damage 21 Sway 1.4
Headshot Multiplier 2 Velocity 410
Limb Multiplier 0.95 Drag 1.7
Weight 1.1 Recoil 39
Firerate 900 Length 0.5
Accuracy 57 Capacity 10
Handling 85 Reserve 50


The M712 has access to stock, mag, sight, barrel, and grip attachments

Name Slot Effect Ingame Aquisition LP Cost
Positive Negative
Holster Stock Stock
  • -0.56 Sway
  • -20.2 Recoil
  • +0.8 Weight
180 Kills

or $3600

+0.5 LP
Carbine Stock Stock
  • -0.7 Sway
  • -21.9 Recoil
  • +1.2 Weight
500 Kills

or $10000

+1 LP
20rnd Mag Mag
  • +10 Capacity
  • -8 Handling
  • +0.5 Weight
80 Kills

or $1600

+1 LP
40rnd Mag Mag
  • +40 Capacity
  • -16 Handling
  • +1 Weight
380 Kills

or $7600

+2 LP
Scope Sights
  • x? Magnification
  • +1 Weight
  • -34 Handling
600 Kills

or $12000

+1 LP
Medium Barrel Barrel
  • +1 Damage at 200m
  • +5 Accuracy
  • +15 Velocity
  • +1.02 Sway
  • +0.4 Weight
  • -8 Handling
  • -1 Damage at 300m
90 Kills

or $1800

+0.5 LP
Long Barrel Barrel
  • +1 Damage
  • +2 Damage at 100m
  • +3 Damage at 200m
  • +11 Accuracy
  • +60 Velocity
  • + Grip Attachment Point
  • +1.04 Sway
  • -14 Handling
  • +1 Weight
  • -2 Damage at 300m
200 Kills

or $4000

+1 LP
Extra Long Barrel Barrel
  • +2 Damage
  • +3 Damage at 100m
  • +5 Damage at 200m
  • +21 Accuracy
  • +90 Velocity
  • +Grip Attachment Point
  • -3 Damage at 300m
  • +1.5 Weight
  • -20 Handling
  • +1.06 Sway
750 Kills

or $15000

+1.5 LP
Foregrip Grip
  • +2 Handling
  • -2.4 Recoil
+0.2 Weight 250 Kills

or $5000

+1 LP


  • The M712 is very good at close range, due to its high fire rate and decent damage, so avoid long range encounters when using this weapon, try flanking or digging rather then a frontal assault.
  • The M712 gets much better after unlocking a few attachments so stick through the grind and it will get much better.
  • Pressing B will select between Semi, and Auto, Auto being better at close range and Semi being better at mid range. Using the selector switch is crucial getting the most out of the gun.
  • This gun can be equipped in the secondary slot of the demolitionist


  • This is the only gun variant that is an entirely different weapon from its original.
  • This is the first and only PDW in the game.